
How to use  Random Write,  Random read ? ( on SimpleMC)


How to use is  Like    “MX Component  (Mitsubishi Electric)”  .

以下のソースコードサンプルでは  DWORD 版 (WriteDeviceRandom2DWord,  ReadDeviceBlock2DWORD,) の

説明はしてませんが、基本的な使い方は同じです。  DWORD で受け取る(Read) 場合は UShort ではなく、UInteger 型になります。




        Dim ins = New SimpleMC.SimpleMC()

        ins.ActHostAddress = ""   'PLC IP Address  ( Adjust PLC Setting) 
        ins.ActPortNumber = 2000             ' PLC Port  ( Adjust PLC Setting) 
        ins.BinaryASCII = EnumBinaryASCII.Binary  'Binary Setting   ( Adjust PLC Setting) 
        'ins.BinaryASCII = EnumBinaryASCII.ASCII  'Binary Setting   ( Adjust PLC Setting) 

        ins.MCProtocol = EnumMCProtocol.フレーム4E  ' Ethernet 4E Protocol  ( in case of connect via the Ethernet between PC and PLC)
      '  ins.MCProtocol = 78                         ' Ethernet 4E
        ins.TIMEOUT = 100 ' 100× (10msec) 
        ' ###########    Initial Setting  end  #####################

        ' in case of Random write through the array
        Dim obj(2, 1) As Object : obj(0, 0) = "D0" : obj(0, 1) = 33 : obj(1, 0) = "D3" : obj(1, 1) = 55 : obj(2, 0) = "D7" : obj(2, 1) = 77
        ins.WriteDeviceRandom2(3, obj)

        ' in case of Random write through the function arguments
        ins.WriteDeviceRandom2(3, "D10", 22, "D13", 44, "D17", 66)

        'in case of Random read through the function arguments
        Dim dat(2) As UShort
        dat = ins.ReadDeviceRandom2("D0", "D3", "D7").UShortArray
        MessageBox.Show(dat(0).ToString + ":" + dat(1).ToString + ":" + dat(2).ToString)

        ' in case of Random read through the array
        Dim arg(2) As Object : arg(0) = "D10" : arg(1) = "D13" : arg(2) = "D17"
        dat = ins.ReadDeviceRandom2(arg).UShortArray
        MessageBox.Show(dat(0).ToString + ":" + dat(1).ToString + ":" + dat(2).ToString)


            SimpleMC.SimpleMC ins = new SimpleMC.SimpleMC();

            ins.ActHostAddress = "";   // PLC IP Address  ( Adjust PLC Setting) 
            ins.ActPortNumber = 2000;              // PLC Port  ( Adjust PLC Setting) 

            ins.BinaryASCII = (EnumBinaryASCII.Binary != 0); //Binary Setting   ( Adjust PLC Setting) 
            //ins.BinaryASCII = (EnumBinaryASCII.Binary == 0); //ASCII Setting  ( Adjust PLC Setting)

            ins.MCProtocol = (byte)EnumMCProtocol.フレーム4E;  // Ethernet 4E Protocol  ( in case of connect via the Ethernet between PC and PLC)
           // ins.MCProtocol = 78;  // Ethernet 4E Protocol  ( in case of connect via the Ethernet between PC and PLC)

            ins.TIMEOUT = 100; // 100× (10msec) 

            // ###########    Initial Setting  end  #####################

            // in case of Random write through the array
            object[,] obj = new object[3, 2];  obj[0, 0] = "D0"; obj[0, 1] = 33; obj[1, 0] = "D3"; obj[1, 1] = 55; obj[2, 0] = "D7"; obj[2, 1] = 77;
            ins.WriteDeviceRandom2(3, obj);

            // in case of Random write through the function arguments
            ins.WriteDeviceRandom2(3, "D10", 22, "D13", 44, "D17", 66);

            //in case of Random read through the function arguments
           ushort[] dat= new ushort[3];
           dat = ins.ReadDeviceRandom2("D0", "D3", "D7").UShortArray;
           MessageBox.Show(dat[0] + ":" + +dat[1] + ":" + dat[2]);

           // in case of Random read through the array
           object[] arg = new object[3]; arg[0] = "D10"; arg[1] = "D13"; arg[2] = "D17";
           dat = ins.ReadDeviceRandom2(arg).UShortArray;
           MessageBox.Show(dat[0] + ":" + +dat[1] + ":" + dat[2]);


実際に値が書き込まれているかは、 GX Works 2  のデバイスにモニタを確認してください。